Co-parenting after a divorce or separation can be challenging. Thankfully, access to helpful resources can help parents navigate the process more effectively. In the Twin Cities, many organizations, services and tools are available to assist co-parents with managing...
Child Custody
3 signs it may be time to modify a custody order
A custody order establishes baseline expectations for a former couple’s division of parental rights and responsibilities. Parents have to follow the proposed division of parenting time and often also need to share responsibility for making decisions about their...
Back-to-school co-parenting plan checklist
Navigating back-to-school season can be challenging for any parent, but co-parenting after a divorce requires even more planning, communication and flexibility than usual. Good news: a well-structured co-parenting plan can help you to move forward as effectively as...
Co-parenting after the storm: Managing high-conflict situations after divorce
Co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging, but when an ex-spouse becomes high-conflict, the situation can become incredibly stressful for everyone involved, especially the children. High-conflict co-parenting is characterized by constant arguments, manipulation...
Child custody option for parents who don’t get along
If you’re a Minnesota parent whose relationship with your spouse is contentious, navigating a divorce might be challenging. As in all divorces that include children, you and your ex must work out a parenting agreement. You must resolve numerous child custody issues,...
When can you request a custody modification?
The Minnesota family court system sees many cases where one or both parents may wish to modify the child custody order. While the court does try to order custody arrangements that are beneficial to the well-being of the child, sometimes changes may be necessary. If...
Common co-parenting mistakes to avoid
Co-parenting can sometimes be emotionally draining and complicated, even when parents have the best intentions. As a parent, you must be well-informed and prepared to make decisions for yourself and your children. If you are co-parenting, it is also essential to...